Why are people limited to just one comment and why can't they edit their own comments?
The new purple Y!A lets people post a comment on each answer, and that is pretty nice, but suppose someone wants to add to their comment after they post it or edit it for some realistic reason? I have a workaround. I will just post a link to a Google doc which I share, and that way I can edit and add to my comments whenever I like. But,
Why can't a person have at least some time during which they can edit their comment, just in case their cat jumps on their lap and causes them to submit half what they were trying to type? I mean, suppose someone is wanting to type "You're an assistant principle and should be proud" but it accidentally gets sent before they type the first "t"?
That's totally the wrong message they meant, and they will probably get reported for it, but accidents happen. It is realistic to make allowances to correct an innocent error and it is Y!A to be extremist and unforgiving.
Also, the askers should be able to edit the "additional details" they post just as answerers can completely edit their answers.
Because you know I meant "i" not "t".
Also, I used to use the comment area to post a follow up answer. For example, I would have said something in response to the askers comments after my answer was chosen as best:
Commenting under someone else's answer to respond to the asker just doesn't seem right. There needs to be a way to comment on ones own answer. It is nice to revisit my old answers and post a comment when a new experience has changed my mind about something I posted earlier. Of course it is possible if I use multiple accounts, but I would never do that. :/
See, only after I posted it did I notice my incorrect punctuation. Y!A is making me look like a moron thanks to the inability to edit my posts. I blame Y!A.
badmoon, thank you for answering, but let me clarify that I am not suggesting the entire question be editable. Just the additional details. Also, since Y!A does not notify anyone when their question or answer receives a comment, it could hardly be used for chat. Plus, there are examples (Discus, Facebook) where a person's comment is editable for a limited time after being posted. This allows for the correction of errors without being abused, so there is no evidence that people on a mass scale would abuse this. Sure, some people have a problem following the rules, but that is what reporting is for. It is easy enough to also save a revision history for some time for the purpose of the Y!A_AT being able to see if the reported answer/question was in fact abusing the feature. The technology is available to address all the problems you mentioned, so there really isn't a reason why Y!A doesn't implement my suggestions. But of course, if no one else answers, you will get BA anyway
...because voters don't get points for choosing "no best answer".
Okay, so you have proven that the existing system doesn't work (allows chat) therefore, we must keep it the same and not change it because change might allow chat. I'm not buying it. Thanks for trying, but I think we all can agree that a limitation on comments that doesn't even allow people to edit their typos within a finite grace period is not user friendly.
I'm just surprised that I didn't get even one person to answer telling me I had some good ideas. Can't anyone recognize what I'm doing here?