Which would you rather have disappear, Automobiles or Computers?

Which would you rather have disappear, Automobiles or computers? Both of these inventions have had a huge impact on history and both are still a big part of the daily lives of billions of people today. So which would you rather give up, your PC or your car? Your connection to information or your mode of transportation? Of course, being a professional racecar driver, I would choose a car over a computer any day, but what would you choose? P.S. Please don't try to be smart and say that you could just look up how to build cars on the computer, they would have never even been heard of.


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Automobiles. You can bike anyways. Computers are essential (nowadays) for technology to succeed.


Cars. I still remember how to ride a horse from my youth, and I think I could learn to drive horses in a buggy or carriage or wagon, whatever.




I would give up cars.


cars because I cant drive yet anyways lol

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