Slight swelling in and around eyes, skin feels swollen dry and itchy, what could be causing this?

Two weeks ago was in hospital was unable to breath, so they did a cardiac catherization thurs of this week to see if I had blockages, all was good. Have been taking spiriva, pro-air and advair before this procedure, now my skin is slightly swollen also around my eyes and itchy, pharmacist told me to hold off on the spiriva since that is when I noticed this happening. Is this a reaction to the procedure that was done or a reaction to the meds they have me on. Am also taking one pill of simzvastatin 20 mg which a substitute for zocor. Since this procedure I have not felt good at all and seem to feel alot of funny things in my chest, the docs don't seem to give any info to me. So has anyone had any of this done to you and was there any side effects from it? So tired of feeling this bad. Thanks for any info.
EDIT: Also have been stopped smoking for 2 weeks now.


Favorite Answer

it's the medications. also it's very good you've stopped smoking, you've cut off alot of serious forthcoming issues along with arteriosclerosis. (if you've not got it already) do try like a mutha to stay off the smokes.

and if you drink.. try to cut that back big time also.

also, you should try to change your diet ... stop ingesting the inflammatory, processed foods. yes that includes dairy.

and two weeks is still "recovery" time. if this keeps up OR gets worse, make sure you let that doctor know!

you gotta start leaning the body down.. make sure you remember.. plaque is forever, it doesn't go away.. so don't fall for those gimmicks about 'miracle pill or solution' and lay off the crappy food.. which, by the way is 90% of the stuff available to the consumer.

read labels also, google research what you find in this information! you'll be in a FRIGHT to see what those names mean in those listings on your food items.

also, fresh produce! frozen, canned and other processed foods are deadly to the body.. and try to stay away from the dreadful 'megacolon' which is the huge effect from impact foods that is available on the market.

watch out for 'organic, natural, 100%, no additive' scams.. if it's got a label and you can't pronounce half the junk listed there.. stay away from it.


sodium and sugars are a bad idea.

(fresh fruit is the best way to get your sugars...)

proteins are insoluble in meats, dairy and most other processed foods.

you want soluble like you would find in dried beans.. nuts, avocados, kale... so on.



There is 5 different things that you could have...
1) An allergy
2) Conjunctivitis
3) A Stye
4) Blepharitis
5) Eczema
Maybe look up the meanings on google...or seek help from your doctor?