why can we answer questions that are over 6 years old and already have a best answer chosen?

why can we answer questions that are over 6 years old and already have a best answer chosen?

I see these questions popping up on the 'related questions' section.


Favorite Answer

On the new format they have done away with resolved questions and now they can be answered.
They think this will allow better answer to be given when a bad answer has already been chosen.
There are no points given for answering them and they cannot be edited or deleted.
Resolved questions are now called Reference questions and on your profile page they sneak them in on the right as Related questions.
Not a good idea as that feature is being abused very badly now.
If you have the email option set to be sent an email when you get new answers to questions you ask you will get one on any of your resolved questions someone answers.


It seems to be a new thing we can do, but I have yet to hear if the asker will still get an email that they have had a new answer after all of these years


its an unresolved question so it stays there and eventually gets deleted automatically