Why can no one prove this man wrong??

No matter how people try they cannot prove this man wrong, he writes prophecies and they come true, he speaks to science, to atheists yet none can prove him wrong, or prove themselves right when doubting him... Here is his video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxGiH06jl_o ... go to his websites at Adam and Eve seed gathering Ministry and on the prophecy and the signs page are posted signs he posted over four years ago, and what happens they come to be... Go to his Adam and Eve in Action blog and you laugh at first then find him with proof... What say Ye???


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any science articles showing that his prophecies have come true. The point here even if they had..it does not point to a cause. You can't claim the cause is god until you have shown evidence for god.

To say these prophecies are evidence of god is incorrect. They could be evidence of demons, fairies, psychic powers or that the guy is good at making stuff up. Before a cause can be asserted that cause, god has to be shown to exist.

Also if you make vague prophecies or say certain things then they could be interpreted to mean just about anything.

I can make fairly good guesses about the future, like there will be war, that a disaster will occur, people will die, new discoveries will be made in science and I will probably be proven right. Did I prophesize? No I made educated predictions that have a high probability of coming true.


Most religious beliefs are not falsifiable (capable of being tested (verified or falsified) by experiment or observation) and are therefor outside the scope of experimental science. In falsificationism, an unfalsifiable and thus unscientific theory is not necessarily intrinsically false or inappropriate, but one cannot know for sure. Simply, to be scientific, a theory must entail at least one observation, which may or may not be the case.


Your rant tells me that he is preaching to 'believers' and I would be wasting my time chasing down his spiel.
If he is a true Prophet, history will evidence that every prophesy has manifested!
Other than that, he's just another website, just another youtube video...


Because he speaks but says nothing