Does this mean he likes me?

It's not a lot to go on,but I'm really curious.

(People you need to know- Jack-friend who sits behind me in science
Laura-friend who sits next to me in Science)


Event #1: I was messing around a bit and told Laura that Jack liked her (he didn't -we joke around about that kind of stuff a lot though)She jumped out of her seat and yelled "EW!" And when I told Jake what I said (and told Laura it wasn't true) he laughed. But to get even, Laura told Jack I liked him. I really do like him but I didn't want him to know that so I said "Ew!" and firmly denied it. The weird part is Jack responded differently to my reaction. He said "well thanks!",sarcastically and actually looked kind of pissed and offended.

Event #2: Because of what happened ^ I was curious so I tested things out. I told Jack and Laura they should go out. They both said no and we all laughed about it. After the laughter died down I started a conversation with Jack about my shoes (they had cows on them xD) Then Laura said me and Jack should go out should go out. We Both paused to look at her and I waited for Jack to deny it or say SOMETHING but he just looked at me for a while before ignoring the question entirely and returned to our original conversation.


I do like Jack so I tried to spend time with him in Science. We were researching things for a Science Project on Adaptions and I had finished early so I went over to where he was researching. We talked A LOT more than usual but he also seemed to find more ways to touch me. Not inappropriately or anything but he always found small ways to touch me. Like I grabbed his pen so I could write something down but he tried to take It away from me. What was odd though, is he held on a little bit longer than needed. And randomly during a conversation he just put both his hands on my shoulders and rocked me back and forth for a minute.



Favorite Answer

He for sure likes you, gurllllllllll ;) GO FOR IT! <3


Well it doesn't mean he has fallen for you, but yes, he likes you . Next time if something like this happens give him a smile if he smile back . Then you got the green single .