Days fans - will Nicole figure out what Eric is talking about and who it was in time to stop the wedding?

Hopefully she will be able to ask Eric questions and he will answer them instead of being sure he knows what happened.

They are not aware2013-10-22T17:53:30Z

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Oh poor Nicole! She really doesn't deserve this.And boy is she going to be surprised when she does figure out what he is talking about.
I don't know if it will be Nicole or someone else, or a combination of people, but I do not think the Kristen X Brady marriage will take place because the truth will out. Don't forget the flash drive is still in play.

Kitty 22013-10-23T12:04:21Z

I just hope Eric doesn't tell her that he believes Nicole was the one who drugged and seduced him. Hopefully Nicole will put 2 and 2 together and figure out that Kristen was the one who drugged Eric. If Nicole could get him to answer some questions about that night she could figure it out.


Hopefully she will figure it out since he isn't the sharpest pin on the pin cushion. Nobody except Brady is as dim witted as Eric. Hard to believe he is Sami's twin.