Have you had a problem with "sunscreen stains?"?

I rarely use sunscreen in the summer where I live but recently vacationed in Fl. and used sunscreen. When I washed my "vacation clothes," all the whites came out with horrible orange stains on them. These stains are obviously from the sunscreen products that I used.

The products I used were sunscreens and NOT "self-tanning" lotions.

Has anyone else had this problem? And how do I get out those stains? The clothing items are so badly stained that they are unwearable! Bleach has not helped.


Thanks, Laura. I washed the items a second time with extra bleach and many of the stains came out. Many of the remaining stains are much lighter now. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

Mary some sunscreens react with sweat
When you sweat its very salty
When left to dry it will leave a stain
Also check the one your using isn't a tinted one ?
As this will also cause staining
If the bleach hasn't removed them then nothing will
I all ways soak mine now in oxy after wearing them
And it does work if you wash them quickly