If I make a minum payment on my credit card, does my credit limit go back up?

Or do I have to pay the whole thing off before using it again?

Jim S2013-10-27T13:48:37Z

Favorite Answer

Some of your minimum payment goes towards the balance outstanding, and some of it - the interest - pays for the privilege of having that much money owed. To the extent that your new balance outstanding is lower than the credit limit, you can use up the rest -- every month.

It's a bad idea to pay only the minimum amount. Your balance outstanding only goes down a little bit each month that way.



Your credit card has a limit. That is the max you can charge. Your available limit revolves up and down as your make charges or payments.

For example: You have a $500 limit, charge $300 -- available limit $200.
Pay $100 -- available limit $300.
Charge $50 -- available limit $250

Of course, if you don't pay the balance in full, interest is added to your balance due. If you only pay the minimum, most of that is eaten up by the interest with only about 1% going to pay off the balance. It is always best to pay the balance in full every month and avoid the interest.


I think you mean your available credit. Your available credit goes down when you use your card and goes back up when you make a payment. It only goes up the amount that you paid. It does not go up to what it was before you used the card.

Your "credit limit" doesn't go down when you use your card, so it does not go back up when you pay.


Do you want a really great credit score? Pay your credit card in full each month. Some people simply do not know how badly credit card balances can hurt your credit.


If you just make the minimum payment, 80% of it will be interest. The balance should always be paid the follow month..

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