Windows 8.1 installation email address?

I was installing Windows 8.1 Professional upgrade on my Windows 7 when I noticed that it ask for a microsoft email address to setup a account. I presume you would need a hotmail or outlook email address. I notice on Windows 8 that you can setup a local account with any password and no email address is required. However Windows 8.1 requires a email address (either hotmail or outlook account) upon setup. Is there anyway to bypass this.

I know that microsoft requires a email address so that if you have multiple computers all your apps and settings are sync.


Favorite Answer

You do not have to use a microsoft email address, you can plug in your Yahoo address and make up a new password and it will create a Microsoft account based on that.
So if you now use as your email address, that will be your Microsoft login

Microsoft account:
Passord: use a different password!

Erika W2014-07-31T10:47:29Z

This is STUPID. How can you create an admin account and a user account (to keep the computer secure) under the same email? MS is overstepping bounds here.


There is no current way to bypass this.

It's specifically for skydrive integration