Why do Republicans believe they have a mandate to obstruct and dismantle the government but then blame Obama?

when government doesn't work effectively?

Do Republicans not believe in personal accountability after all?


Edit for River: I have never seen Democrats try to obstruct government as much as Republicans currently are. Are you trying legitimize corrupt behavior by claiming a false equivalency here?


Edit for jaker: The president is a Democrat, the Senate is controlled by Democrats, and over a million more voters voted for Democrat representatives to the House than for Republican ones. The Republicans were not elected to do this. The only reason they have control of the House is because they warped congressional districts in their favor. Now they are passing new election laws to further warp elections in their favor. How can you claim the Republicans are serving the will of the American people? They are at war with democracy itself.

Armchair Goddess #12013-10-30T04:51:00Z

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I agree with your comments to River and jaker, and remind River that when the Republicans controlled all three branches of government from 2001 through to 2007 and passed the UNPAID-FOR Medicare Part D mandate which also had a very rough website roll-out, the Democrats in the minority at the time all said to Congressional Republicans, "What can we do to help make this work?" and then proceeded to hold town hall meetings that educated their constituents on how to access the sites.

The whole destructive and insane "anti-government" (which means here in the U.S. "anti-American-people") malarkey was started as a propaganda campaign in the 1990s by the theocratic-COUP-seeking Heritage Foundation, its D.C.-based multi-named biblical-literalist CULT, The Family (read Jeff Sharlet's books), the secretive militant Council on National Policy (CNP), and their then-spokesperson Newt Gingrich. The Republican National Committee (RNC) kept a D.C.-based public relations firm, Hill & Knowlton, on retainer to peddle this anti-government tripe as a way of dividing the nation against itself and then make a POWER GRAB, using voter fraud (none of the exit polls matched the 2004 GOP takeover results) to seize control of Congress. Economic terrorist Grover Norquist stepped in as well, with his whole anti-government rhetoric: "I want to shrink government so small that I can take it home and drown it in my bathtub"---ignoring the simple fact that, in America, the government is of, by, and for the American people. Then came the Heritage Foundation and The Family brainwashing movement described in Michelle Goldberg's (2006), "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of 'Christian' Nationalism" following The Family's "Seven Mountains" government takeover principles (found at Youth With A Mission or YWAM websites---same CULT, just different facades). The so-called "Seven Mountains" list devised by extremist rightwing Lauren Cunningham is the seven spheres of influence that must be brought until GOP control in order to stage a THEOCRATIC COUP from INSIDE the political system...and one of these spheres was EDUCATION. Scripted anti-public schools rhetoric was repeated incessantly and homeschooling "from infancy" using only a literal interpretation of scripture became a Republican norm as the GOP moved ever farther towards rightwing insanity. Another sphere, media, was attacked by repetition of the scripted term "Liberal media" whenever Republicans spoke publicly, a trick to put media outlets on the defensive and move them ever further to the rightwing side of the political spectrum. Radio stations were taken over by rightwing hatemongers with a lust for power. Enter foreigner media mogul Rupert Murdoch from Australia, a member of the CULT The Family, who bought up Fox News before it was legal for him to do so (no dual citizenship at the time of the buy), and thus began the Republican party's anti-government anti-American movement in earnest.

The GOP got carried away, though...they created themselves a rabidly far-FAR-rightwing anti-all-government monster in 2009 with insurance lobbyist dollars and Koch brothers' financing: the Tea Party. The original goal was to defeat insurance reforms, since the insurance industry lobbyists outnumber our elected representatives by 100 to 1, but this morphed into the teabagger extremists now trying to eat their parent, the GOP.

The whole anti-government GOP rant reminds me of spoiled-bully-brat tantrum-throwing destructive three-year-olds informing their parents that "no parents are needed." Obviously, the toddlers are wrong.


Seriously?! So, what you mean by "government not working effectively" is "Obama not getting his way." A majority of Americans don't want Obamacare. That was true before the last senate election when Specter ran and he's been dead for at least 2 years. We voted him out because he refused to do what we elected him to do--and then actually took the phone off the hook.

Refusing to negotiate and compromise--which both Obama and Reid continue to do--is obstructive. And they aren't Republicans.


Because losing the Senate, the White House and getting a million fewer votes in house races gives the GOP a mandate. It's the will of the people.


It does not matter who you blame.Those rich people only care about themselves.
George Washington said that when the government no longer works for the people it should be dismantled.

Check yer Oil2013-10-29T11:33:30Z

You are 100% correct. Either never answer a question directly or deny you did it! Seems most politicians do this- republicans just do it more and better!

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