Days fans - Do you want Brady and Kristen to get married and be happy together?

I'm not asking if they will get married, just if you want them to? And please no spoilers.

They are not aware2013-10-29T19:45:51Z

Favorite Answer

Brady deserves some happiness.
Kristen deserves to burn. Even forgiven for crimes of the past (such as trying to kill Marlena), she just committed rape of a priest. Her excuse being that she was upset because the guy she loves and she had split up.
No, I do not want them to get married because there would be no real happiness there anyway.
They really need to stop torturing Brady--and Nicole.


Yes I want them to get married. Kristen truly loves Brady, and was only acting out of hatred for Marlena when she drugged Eric. I think she deserves to be happy with one of the men she has loved.


If you had asked this a few months ago my answer would have been no. But, despite what Kristen did to Father Eric, I think that she truly loves Brady and that Brady truly loves her. So my answer would have to be yes I would want them to get married.

Kitty 22013-10-30T04:16:33Z

No Kristen doesn't deserve to be happy. And I will be glad when Eric finds out the truth that Kristen raped him. Kristen is just pure mean and she wouldn't know how to be happy.

Dana B2013-10-30T00:03:18Z

It would serve him right after being so blind to her antics but no, I don't want to see them get married