Why is the United States infatuated with the minority?

In nearly every aspect of daily life, Americans seem to be infatuated with the minority and underdog. Gay rights are a daily news item yet the LGBT community makes up between 5-10% of the population depending on the study or poll. The Affordable Healthcare Bill was enacted to help 30-40 million people without insurance but has a negative effect on the remaining 300 million people through more taxation and higher costs. The Chicago Cubs are a beloved baseball team even though they haven't won in over 100 years. Even in our government where Senate rules allow one senator to shut down the working of the other 99. I am sure all of you can name many more examples.

So why is the US always cheering for the underdog and has such great concern for the minority in nearly every situation?


Favorite Answer

B/c most of the original US settlers were the ignored or the oppressed minority in their home countries - they had different religion, or had no land, or had the "wrong" last name.


The Zionists want all other cultures destroyed so they use their control of the media and educational system to systematically indoctrinate these sick self hating values into all non-Jews. Their goal is destroy all other cultures and to rule over the weak, disorganized masses of the confused and infighting slaves for all time. The Whites represent the strongest opposition to the Zionist world rule so they must be destroyed first.