Don't you think the NFL should pay taxes?
They have "non-profit" status, but make huge profits.
They have "non-profit" status, but make huge profits.
Favorite Answer
Yes and so should religious and political groups that qualify for tax exempt status.
Adam D
The NFL makes huge profits? Um, ok, how much profit does the NFL make? And I mean the NFL as an organization, not the individual teams/owners... because I'm sure the owners of each team will pay income tax if they make a profit.
College Football Is Like Quidditch
Oh for God sakes, if you don't know anything about businesses then don't post stupid @ss questions like this! Goodell and all the owners, coaches, and players pay taxes. The League is an entity that does not make any money hence why it is non-profit so it does not pay taxes.
I'm sure that the players, coaches and employees of the NFL pay dearly in taxes.. . I think the individual teams or the NFL should pay for their own stadiums though.. Instead of placing the burden on the taxpayers like they have in some areas.....
Blocking Back
No. 100% of business taxes just get passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices anyways.