Don't you think the NFL should pay taxes?

They have "non-profit" status, but make huge profits.


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Yes and so should religious and political groups that qualify for tax exempt status.

Adam D2013-11-01T14:25:56Z

The NFL makes huge profits? Um, ok, how much profit does the NFL make? And I mean the NFL as an organization, not the individual teams/owners... because I'm sure the owners of each team will pay income tax if they make a profit.

College Football Is Like Quidditch2013-11-01T15:55:12Z

Oh for God sakes, if you don't know anything about businesses then don't post stupid @ss questions like this! Goodell and all the owners, coaches, and players pay taxes. The League is an entity that does not make any money hence why it is non-profit so it does not pay taxes.


I'm sure that the players, coaches and employees of the NFL pay dearly in taxes.. . I think the individual teams or the NFL should pay for their own stadiums though.. Instead of placing the burden on the taxpayers like they have in some areas.....

Blocking Back2013-11-01T13:57:35Z

No. 100% of business taxes just get passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices anyways.

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