If the RCMP run your plates?
If the RCMP run your plates and find out that they expired recently (oh, like lets say you were on your way to renew them) are they obligated to pull you over immediately?
If the RCMP run your plates and find out that they expired recently (oh, like lets say you were on your way to renew them) are they obligated to pull you over immediately?
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They can. Sometimes just to remind you they are expired and give you a warning to get them renewed.
It's a matter of choice though, not an obligation.
They are not obligated to do anything. But they can pull you over immediately if they feel like it.
Once your tags are expired, it is illegal to drive the car even 1 metre on a public road. Even if you wer eon your way to renew them.
normally yes of they run your plates and it's expired, then they will pull you over. but if you explain to them your on your way o renew it, they might let you go, to giving you a ticket and impounding your car. so it is really up to the police officer.
Maybe. or..... They will send a ticket to your house.
Renew your registration
Yes they are entitled to pull you over if your tags are not current.