where to sell model cars?

I have a good sized model car collection and having trouble selling some. Craigslist isn't really doing anything for me, I have ads on several local CL sites. As far as eBay is concerned I don't trust it all that well. There's not many hobby shops around me, so where should I try now?


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What is not to trust on ebay if you are selling - the lack of trust should be on the part of buyers who get stiffed or cheated by sellers. You get your money up front, including shipping, before you ship. Strongly suggest using PayPal for getting payments. Allows customers to use credit cards while protecting you and you don't have to handle checks.


If your selling sell on Ebay. Don't trust ebay unless your buying but on ebay that's where all collectors go to buy models so your not going to get any where near as much luck or money as you will if you sell off of ebay.