Can someone explain to me how atheism helped them to break free from a life full of destructive habits such as?

...such as prostitution, drunkeness, drug abuse, thievery, compulsive lying, etc, etc...


btw/ i never give anyone's answer a thumb down.


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It is only reality.
why do you have such trouble with reality.
the real world we atheists live in is...well, real.
How does your religion do with your destructive habit of lying all the time.
Oh yeah,m it encourages that, I almost forgot,
dishonesty is the only constant I see in religion. None of them agree on anything, yet none have an honest bone in their body.


What? I've always been an atheist and I was never into "prostitution, drunkeness, drug abuse, thievery, compulsive lying, etc, etc..."

The only "destructive habits" I have are smoking and coming here.


Like I have said before religion is a crutch to help people feel better.
When you hit rock bottom (like prostitution) and you are depressed you'll believe anything that makes you feel better.

Atheism takes a sufficient understanding of philosophy, history, science, etc.. that's why most atheist become it by themselves without someone indoctrination as a child like religion does.

But then there are the atheists that don't understand how religion works and eventually become theists like this woman


Nope, but it I'm sure there are plenty of people for whom it helped break them free from a life full of destructive habits such as evangelism, abhorrence of abortion and birth control, supporting and/or unreservedly believing in others' insanity, etc.


It helps you break free of such bad habits as, thinking to your imaginary friend yet still thinking you're helping someone, trusting a book and using it for proof that you're better than people you don't like and sending your kids to rapists.

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