I need about £8,500 (cash) to enter the UK. What's the best way to go about it?
I am moving permanently to the UK for work. Employer is not paying anything re: relocaiton. I am on my own. I do not have a place yet, and no bank. I will take care of this when I get there in 10 days. However, I will need cash to pay for a deposit on the apartment. Credit card will not allow withdrawal that substantial in cash. What's the best way for me to get this?
1. Exchange money in US?
2. Go to exchange rate booth in US?
3. Go to exchange booth in UK?
4. Take cash $ with me and get £ in the UK?
5. Alternative/better solution?
Looking for serious answers, please. Thank you.
I Like Turtles: In the UK, one is actually allowed to carry more than in the US, namely the equivalent of €10,000 (13K) in GBP (£8,500). I cannot carry less as the deposit on a place varies from (£4,000-6,000). I will not get paid until December 16.