Why is there no place for me to answer some of the questions?

Every once in a while I'll click on a question to answer it, and there's no 'field' for me to type in...why is that?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2013-11-11T14:43:25Z

Favorite Answer

Either the question is in voting, or the person who asked it has blocked you. On the old green format, you actually got TOLD that "you can't view this question at this time." But on the new purple format you can see the question and all the answers. You simply can't answer it.


There are a few possible versions, assuming that you're using the new Y!A format.

a) The asker of the question has blocked you -- instead of getting "you cannot view this question at this time" you just get no answering box.
b) You have reached your daily answering limit (80 answers).
c) It is just another glitch - there are many with the new format.

d) I forgot! The question is in voting.

Using the old format @ http://ca.answers.yahoo.com should not give you any problems.
It has the same Q&A as long as your filter is set to All English Questions.