Can anyone tell me this actors name?

Okay okay...bear with me here. There is an actor who comes to mind, I can't recall the movie he's been in but I do know he's been in some advertising commercials. He's overweight, got a round face, a widows peak, bright eyes(from what I can tell they're blue or greenish). For some reason I can only imagine delivery commercials that he may have been in from U.P.S. or Fed-Ex...these commercials would be rather dated...I'm certain he was middle-aged back then.

I'm sorry I don't have much more's not Kevin James...I know that for sure.

If anyone can provide a bit more insight would be helpful.


Favorite Answer

Was he also in an old Doritos commercial? or maybe Bugles? That's the only overweight guy i can remember with a widows peak that has been on a bunch of commercials.. i can see his face but i can't find any photos =/

(on the commercial he like, balances something on his nose like a dog, and then flips it in his mouth)

.. im not even helping at this point. good luck :)


Yo Mama!

hope that helps! ( sike! )
that awesome person,
Swagger muffin!