What/where is the biggest world?

It has been 5 months since this old fool posed a question, in Yahoo Answers.
So this old fool would like to pose an easy question, that everyone should be able to answer..

What/where is the biggest world?
Have fun....


Everyone has 1 week from the date of posting to change/alter their chosen answer.
The question will not go to a vote.
The correct answer will be declared the winner.

Again, have fun...


*Rinah: Thank you for the link...
Question: What exactly is the box that was mentioned and spoken off, within the link you offered?
What exactly is that box?


Please take a close look at this entry...
ISLAM GENERAL >> Blog Archive >> The Three Worlds That Appear In Man


My love to all of my dear brothers and sisters...


*footnote - I will be leaving the Yahoo Answers forum, it has been enjoyable and enriching.
I truly wish everyone the very best.
Much Love!

a small insignificant sufi student and brother....


The largest world is within you, and is waiting to be discovered.
Truly, it is most definitely within you.
In order to discover such a vast world, one must transcend the human mind.
Certain limits have been placed upon the human mind.
Transcend those limits or barriers, and a bright new world will make its presence felt.

This world is but a shadow, of a world beyond compare.

The correct answer is "within you", and if you are fortunate enough to find it, by all means possible, you must share......


Favorite Answer

Within us!

Perceiving Reality


The size of the world is a matter of perspective perhaps.
Two people can be viewing the exact same landscape and see two totally different worlds. One will see freedom and wide open spaces, while the other may see a small lonely island in the middle of nowhere.

Change is constant of course. The little island may become a world of unlimited and previously unimagined possibility in a blink of an eye, or become a dangerous dark inescapable jungle where the lightening flashes, the thundder rolls and fear binds our eyes.

I don't really know the answer to your question. Individual perspective is the best response I have.

And so you say you are leaving. It is time for you to go eh? Alright then.
It's been a pleasure, and an honour to have encountered you upon my path.

Thank you for spending time here, your presence will be dearly missed.

Is the biggest world located in the Heart???
Love you!
I'm going to miss you.

1st edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKx9mHdEzG8

2nd edit: Maybe the biggest world is found in our dreams??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZlmQEuryxo (sorry for silly song).

3rd edit: You did say to have fun....so I'm going to guess at the answer to this mysteriously unanswerable question. The biggest world can be found in an atom, in a snowflake, in a teardrop. The biggest world exists in a crystal, an ocean, a star, a leaf, a grain of sand or a book. .......I am seriously wishing I could comprehend this question. Is it located in music, on the moon, under mars??? Does the answer start with the letter M? Is it in a miracle? Ok, I'm going through the alphabet now. Is it the letter P? Is it in prophets? Pilgrims? Puppets? Puppies or purple things like plums or paper mache? Ok, no. I guess I don't know. A volcano? A veloceraptor? A velvet elvis painting? omg...Is the answer God? Gatorade? Goals? garages? grow ops? giraffes? Turtles? Tonka trucks? tornadoes? tomatoes? Hahaha....I will so very much miss you. I wish you only the.....wait...is it found in wishes? wall paper? wumbrellas? waterslides? I wonder, but I don't know.
Be happy and joyful all your days dear one. May the biggest and bestest world of worlds be yours always and in all ways.

My last and final edit: This song only because I adore the voice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OomaNxkY-KY


The term delta is used to describe the area of land where a river empties into the ocean or the sea. The soil that is carried down the river builds up where it flows into another body of water, forming a land mass. While rivers like the Mississippi and the Nile have impressive deltas, the largest in the world is formed by the Ganges River in India and Bangladesh. Here is more information on the world's largest delta.


The term delta is used to describe the area of land where a river empties into the ocean or the sea. The soil that is carried down the river builds up where it flows into another body of water, forming a land mass. While rivers like the Mississippi and the Nile have impressive deltas, the largest in the world is formed by the Ganges River in India and Bangladesh. Here is more information on the world's largest delta.


Salaams dearest brother Will Rogers and all:

i find this to be an interesting question because it is confusing to me. i am not quite sure what you mean. selah.

are you asking in terms of planets?
is this word called world meant to be taken metaphorically?

what exactly do you mean?
i know that there is meaning to your question because you are a Sufi student and Sufis love wisdom and sometimes a little wisdom of the idiots is good inshallah. so i am thinking more and more about your question... (not to get best answer... but to understand). selah.

and since i am thinking about it i would like to listen to some tunes.
:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz8P8D8MdNU

certainly you have been given a very good answer that the biggest world lies within us. (as is the human body a microcosm of the universe.)

and as i continue to consider your question... i wonder if bigger is better or if it is just a factual kind of thing?

"that which cannot be contained is bigger than any container."

i must plead ignorance unless i am struck by an epiphany...
i do not know the biggest world. however i find the Truth to be Found within the Holy Qur'an and other Sacred Words of our LORD. [8:8 Qur'an].

it is a Magnificent Qur'an. Allahu akbar. :)

Salaams again dear Akhi...

i have been thinking about your question and i still do not have an answer... but i do have another song i would like to share inshallah. i love this piece/peace. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQyx2PWyC2I
thank you for the link. [2:218][10:9-10] "Surely the Help of Allah is nigh."
[2:131 Holy and Beautiful Koran]

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