Are shopping clubs still a good deal?

I don't know if they ever were to begin with to be honest but I'm wondering is there a point to joining one? Costco charges $55 bucks to join, don't know about the others.

Jim S2013-11-20T16:16:03Z

Favorite Answer

For us it is.

We spend about $350-$500 per month with Costco, not including gasoline purchases ($300+ per month). Figure $1000 more in the holiday season. At about 10-15 percent discount all year, that membership fee is easily covered. But, if you don't fit their demographic, you're just wasting money.


We recently got a Costco in our area, so I took a tour when it opened, eyeballing prices for various products offered. Frankly, I didn't see prices which made me think we would save the $55 entry fee. We elected to not join.

L. E. Gant2013-11-21T01:29:15Z


Most of such clubs do get items at bargain prices, and pass the bargain on to their members (after their costs and a little profit for the organization). Mostly it depends on whether you really use them or not.