Days fans - Again, please no spoilers. Do you think that Will and Sonny will be able to?

hold their relationship together after the things that were said today? Sonny said he can't move and Will said don't make me choose between you and my daughter. Will this cause tension between them?

They are not aware2013-11-22T19:46:53Z

Favorite Answer

Tension, yes, but they have shown the ability to talk things out. And I do not think Sonny would stand in Will's way of leaving even if he is not happy about it; he is a Kiriakis, family oriented. Right now Gabi has not yet even come back to talk to them so they haven't gotten her final "I am going" which she is changing her mind about. She told Nick she was going to turn it down right before the show ended. And Kate and Sami are teaming up (I love it when they do that, scary team). Their problem will disappear before it gets too big and I bet they will work it out.

Kitty 22013-11-23T12:54:25Z

Yes there will be a lot of tension between those 2 but I think Sonny will be ok with the situation and tell Will to do the right thing. Hopefully Gabi's job in NY will fall through.


I think Sonny is too good of a person and loves Ari and Will too much to make Will "choose".
Not much of a choice anyway, any parent in their right mind would put their child first. It'll cause tension only because it is up in the air, but I think Sonny would be gracious and understanding either way.


It will cause some tension for a few hours or days but they should make up and somehow I feel that Gabi will change her mind and not move away with the baby.