Girls: Is "miss talking to you" too personal.?

If you get a message from a guy somewhat of a friend, saying among other things "miss talking you" , would it pretty suggestive of his intentions, friendly, or maybe inappropriate.

Would "Glad to hear from you" bear same message without scaring the girl.


It is kind of personal. Not too much, but...
It depends on the relationship you had with this person. I don't really understand sexual relationships, but I will try to say what I think.
If you were dating, then, you know, it can be pretty personal or even a little discreet. Just between you two.
If you were either best friends or really close to each other it means you guys are becoming distant or you're drifting away and that person wants to keep you in their life.
Maybe. Idk lol


For me, it depends on the depth of my relationship with that person.

If it's a male acquaintance whom I know, but don't consider a friend, because he's been bothering me, and I think he's creepy, I might feel uncomfortable. However, if it's a male friend whom I have talked to about many things, and has told me that he liked talking to me, I would feel that it's something nice and warm to hear. :)

I have actually just told a male friend that I missed talking to him, but I didn't realize that it could be personal for some females, if they were to hear it from male friends.


miss talking to you, is pretty personal and i think it shows intentions of feelings. Glad to hear from you is a more standard, formal reply. Depends if you want her to know your feelings or not


I don't think it's inappropriate I think it's cute... Personally I like hearing that bit it does depend on the depth of your relationship


I depends on the relationship. But if you 2 have great relationship then it would be cute. I would want to hear miss talking to you.

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