Days fans - Do you think that Sami and Kate will find Gabi in the park and see what she has done to Nick?

I think so. I also think they will help her cover it up, and use that info to keep her in Salem, even though she had decided to stay. Thoughts? Please no spoilers.


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Yes they will end up finding her in the park and see what she has done to Nick. And we all know this is Days where no one stays dead. I look for Nick to fake his death and end up stalking Gabi or maybe even Kate or Sami.

They are not aware2013-11-26T01:24:43Z

The NBC commercial for the show this week shows Gabi smacking Nick, Sami and Kate dragging Nick, Sami yelling at Gabi to help dump the body, and Nick going under.
That isn't a spoiler when it shows up during primetime commercial breaks.
I don't see how blackmail to keep her in Salem is necessary. Kate heard Gabi say she wasn't going.

You know, Kate /and/or Sami might blackmail each other over this somehow. But I am thinking maybe this is how Camila Banus exits the show, being sent to prison for murder. But how would Kate and Sami get out of it? Gabi isn't that good at keeping secrets.


I am so glad he is gone, I hope he stays dead and they don't bring him back, I am sure there will be a cover up and the writers will have a field day, they could go on and on with his death, Gabi should have just come clean about hitting Nick with the rock, of course Hope would not believe that Nick was out of control, why she didn't see through him, is beyond me.


Yes I do. I would even go a step further and say that they will help Gabi weigh the body down and dump it in the river. They may even come across an odd British fellow in their crime spree... And maybe even perhaps just as they are dumping the body, something will happen to hinder their efforts!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding. I waited until I watched to answer. Lol. I'm evil like that.


Yup. They'll find her and see what's happened. But was anyone else surprised that the Nick character got killed off? I didn't have a clue that would be happening.

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