Can I legally leave home at 17 in Texas and will the police force me home?
I'm 17 living in San Antonio Texas. Me and my "mom" are not the best living together. About 5 months ago I moved out and got my own apartment with a roommate. I have held down the same job for a year since the first day I turned 16 . I recently had to move back in with her due to my roommate being pregnant and her crazy boyfriend being ... Crazy. Many ways me and my mom don't really go together. I took one of my friends in to life with us to see what I feel. My mom calls me all types of names and on many occasions makes me cry. She basically almost threatens me every time I want to say something. I have no say in anything I do plus she makes me give her 20 dollars every time there's something that's not cleaned. I'm one of four kids and for some reason it happends to me. I basically wanna know if I can leave ..(I mean she's always telling me if I don't like it to go) but when I do try to leave for my own safety she tells me that she has control over everything until my 18th birthday.