The car is too noisy! Does anyone know what this is?

Hey folks! I posted this question a few days ago, but I didn't exactly get a response that made sense, so hopefully there's a new group of mechanics on here that can answer me.

I have a 97 Ford Contour 2.0 5spd. with 206k miles on it. For the past 2 weeks i've noticed a loud noise that sounds like new snow tires coming from the area of the engine. The noise is just awful! It usually starts at about 25 mph and increases in sound depending on speed or weather conditions. At first I thought it was the engine or the tranny, but at speed, I take the car out of gear and the rpms go down, but the sound still stays. As the car slows down, the noise level goes down too. I'm thinking it's one of my wheels, but i'm no mechanic, that's why i'm asking you guys! Any ideas on what this could be so I don't get taken advantage of by my local mechanic? Also, whatever you may think it is, could you give me an approximate cost in NJ prices? Thanks!


Favorite Answer

if you can jack up your car and check each wheel in turn just by spinning them by hand you will find out that it is possibly one of your wheel bearings has gone bad or get someone to spin them for you and use a long screw driver as a stethoscope and put the tip of the scope onto a solid (non moving) part of your suspension as near to the wheel bearing as possible you will hear the noise and determine what bearing has gone hope this helps

P S while you are doing this you will be able to check your tyres thoroughly.

military supporter2013-12-06T05:59:43Z

Tire; Wheel bearings; CV joints


Go to a tire shop & have them put your rear tires on the front to see if the problem goes away.
Also have them check out the CV joints


Warped brake rotors, bad wheel bearings or bad ball joints or bad alignment. We are just guessing. Take it to a shop

leslie r2013-12-06T16:10:46Z

if it is not a clink,or thud, or thump, but sounds like a buzz like new snow tires have all your vacuum hoses checked , you might have a vacuum leak.

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