If McDonalds paid their workers more, would they get better workers and make more money?

or would they simply be overpaying for the value of the service and make less?


Quizoo- I don't think it could be more simply and accurately put

The Arbiter of common sense2013-12-10T12:29:20Z

Favorite Answer

In a situation like a fast food restaurant, the systme is designed for low skilled employees. Paying more money raise costs, while providing nothing more to the restaurnat, bcause their existing employees are already perfectly capable of running the show.


All employers need to PAY the people who make the business function, and that pay needs to be enough for the employees to LIVE ON.

It's insane that McDonald's pays their CEO MORE THAN a THOUSAND TIMES per hour ($9 thousand dollars an hour), than the people who do all the actual WORK (a little over $7 an hour).

Tax payers shouldn't be having to feed employees of extremely rich people, just so those obscenely wealthy people can own almost all the money in the world.

What the right has NEVER explained is WHY people should work, if they aren't paid; or how it's either fair or sustainable to have an economy where only a very few people have almost all the wealth, and the vast majority of the population are paid starvation wages.


They pay what they want to pay to make money. If it isn't enough for the workers, that is the worker's problem.

No they will not overpay and it is not about value. The price of something is determined by the market, not what they pay. Like what does Burger King Charge? or Sonic or Wendy's? Etc.

Nekkid Truth!2013-12-10T20:58:09Z

if McDonald's workers start getting paid more..

then I expect my sandwich to be made CORRECTLY.. AND I want FRESH fries!

A company is not going to settle for "making less".. they will either hire competent workers who are as valuable as their wage.. and/or they will start marking up the cost of the food.

Workers at other fast food chains get paid approx. the same amount, yet McDonald's is the ONLY one to consistently mess up my orders.. and I ALWAYS have to request FRESH fries, otherwise I end up with fries that should have been tossed 5 minutes ago.
Im convinced they hire the workers that have likely been fired from other fast food places for incompetence.


If a corporation paid their CEO more, would they get better workers and make more money?

Or would they simply be overpaying for the value of the service and make less?

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