is it ok to ask an employer what time they may send their drug test info?

The time is probably going to be around Dec. 20. and i'm currently at college, and all they said was once you receive a package in the mail you have 48 hours to go to the facility listed. I also intend to go home for christmas, but idk when this package is going to arrive or anything like that.


Favorite Answer

It is okay to do and if you are not trying to hide anything it won't seem sketchy. If you want to be more safe you could possibly say "hey I was wondering if you could let me know if the drug test info would be sent in before (date), I need to know as I am planning on going home for the holidays". Hope I helped!


Never ask your employer about if you passed or failed your drug test, suspicion of guilt.


Let them know what your schedule is so they can send it to where you will be.