Days fans - The big question is, is Sonny going to tell Will what he overheard while in the closet?

Or is he going to make something up. Also is Sonny going to confront Gabi, Sami, Kate about what he heard?

They are not aware2013-12-15T10:26:19Z

Favorite Answer

I believe he was going to tell Will before Adrienne popped up. Now he has to wait and come up with something to say while his mom is there. I think he will probably wind up holding off telling Will his mom and grandma are murderer's along with their roommate. Sonny is a Kiriakis and even if he is a "good" one, running to the cops is NOT going to be a first reaction for him. Besides, Sonny hated Nick and probably will think they did society a favor when he gets a moment to think. But more discovery of information would very much be in line for a Kiriakis.
Sonny knows Sami and Kate pretty well--he will be lied to by them so why bother confronting them at this point? Gabi, on the other hand, is a lousy liar, already a nervous wreck, not anywhere near as intimidating (scary) as Sami and Kate. And very accessible. I think he will confront Gabi to get more information.

Kitty 22013-12-15T17:38:47Z

You know if Sonny tells Will about this they are going to have to tell the cops if they don't they will be accessories to the crime. Its a no win situation.