I'm totally stuck on Skyrim right now! Help!?

So, I'm on the Aldruin's Wall quest. I've made it close to Karthspire, but there's a problem. When I'm almost there, I get attacked by a dragon and I can't fight it alone (I'm only level 10).

The internet said I should be able to make it to Karthspire and THEN be attacked by a dragon, after I've met up with Esbern and Delphine again. We were traveling together, but then all of a sudden she wanted to split up (which I've heard is a glitch in the game).

What am I doing wrong here? I see the dragon getting resurrected by Aldruin, but for the aforementioned reasons, I don't approach to kill the thing.

Is there a way to keep Delphine from splitting us up?

I'm playing on an Xbox 360, if that matters.

The Mikel2013-12-19T01:52:07Z

Favorite Answer

Step back to an earlier save and build up your levels by doing all the minor (not story) quests. When you are at level 33 you shouldn't have any problems.
Go for Archery, Enchant for Sneak and Archery boosts and Perks. When you can duel enchant it is really fun.
When you can kill the dungeon monsters (not necessarily the bosses) with one shot you are ready.
The best follower I've found to work with is Mjoll the Lioness of Riften. She is indestructible for all practical purposes. She is chatty though when not sneaking.


An easy way to lvl up is to use a shield and just get up your block and to not fight alone get someone from the inns in main citys if you ride the dragon at that part you have to go alone try and lower your difficlty if you have a big problem


It seems the dragon you encounter is just a random dragon. I advise you to train a little in dungeons before you go there again