What is the ultimate goal of human progress?

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Have a happy and peaceful Christmas !

Love, peace and progress in Spirit and in Father-Son Eternal Truth !


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Solving life's mysteries

Larry R2013-12-24T19:47:54Z

What is the ultimate goal of human progress?

There is none. There will come a day, about 7 and a half billion years from now, when the Sun swells up to a Red Giant stage and incinerates the entire Earth, so that the planet, and everything on it, will be broken up into individual atoms. Several trillion years after that, the Universe itself will come to an end. The supply of gas needed for star formation will be exhausted. As existing stars run out of fuel and cease to shine, the universe will slowly and inexorably grow darker. Eventually black holes will dominate the universe, which themselves will disappear over time as they emit Hawking radiation. When that happens, assuming there are still beings that think of themselves as "human" left alive, it will all be over. Humanity will end because there will be no place left for humanity to live, and the last human will pass away. With that human will go everything we ever learned, or did, or were. Napoleon, Marilyn Monroe, Lao-Tzu, Einstein, Gandhi, Beethoven, Aristophanes .. and all of this .. all of this, all our art, our laws, our wealth, our money, our medicine, our power, our music, our philosophy, our science. our heroism, our sacrifices, everything, will be over.

So ULTIMATELY, our only real hope is in Jesus. Everything else... and I mean EVERYTHING else, will, sooner or later, pass away and become meaningless.

Just Say No to War2013-12-24T19:29:24Z

Well, there is material progress and spiritual progress. I think both have the same goal, which is to make all life work as well as can be. So we make progress in medical, and in inventions. We also make progress on matters of government and how we treat each other. And we make spiritual progress. Everyone questioning their religion and church attendance being down is actually a good thing, because people are trying to really develop spiritual connections instead of just blindly following. They may after a period of questioning decide to keep with the religion they were raised in, or they may change. But at least people are being more spiritually aware. So there is a lot of progress, but the ultimate goal is for everyone to be able to live the best lives possible.


The ultimate goal is to return to the condition of purity, ecstasy and perfection into which we were created. residing with the Father in complete safety and eternal bliss for eternity.

One might ask why we would leave such a place/condition in the first place. In fact we never did, as we are completely powerless to change the will of the Father. We did take our eyes off the Father, though, gazing into the horrors of darkness, filled with our imaginations. No longer looking into the Light, we made the world instead of experiencing Reality.

And so we spend our time in fear, trapped into believing a lie , never truly in danger, never alone, safe.



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