How do I tell my parents I'm bisexual?

I'm 13 and both my parents are OK with gays/bis, but I still afraid of the rest of the family and such and how my parents will react. I was thinking of waiting 2 years until freshman year of high school. Can anyone help me please?


Favorite Answer

I would wait if I were you. I waited 5 years to tell my parents (then again, I knew they would not be supportive and I wanted to be out of the house when I told them). There's no rush, do it whenever you feel comfortable. You'll know when the time is right. :)


You're 13 and you're very young to figure your sexuality yet. Give it a time and you're still not fully matured yet. You should wait couple of more years to concentrate on your sexuality and whether to tell your parents.


Numb yourself to pain because you're going to hell.