I use to have bleached blonde highlights but they have now grow out my hair kept splitting due to heat so I have really short bits of hair round my face it looks horrible! Is there any products u can recommend buying? Would anything like FAST shampoo & conditioner work? or Lee Stafford hair growth mask?
Well it depends on:
-Genetics -How much heat you put on your hair -How often you wash hair -What you do with hair on a regular basis -What Shampoo & Conditioner you use -etc.
On average, hair grows 0.125 per week, an average of 1/2 inch per month to the maximum of an inch.
With heated styling tools a lot slower!
I made the mistake of cutting my hair really short awhile back, but it only took me a couple months to grow it back long. ( It is down to my rib cage now.) This is what I did to grow it back out:
- Massage your head whenever you get the chance. This will stimulate the roots of your hair causing it to grow. - Eat your fruits, nuts, and vegetables and drink lots of water! The nutrients will make your hair shiny and healthy, which will also promote growth. - Don't straighten your hair or curl it with an iron! This will only break and damage your hair and prevent it from growing. - Try not to blow dry your hair if possible. Let it air dry when you can. - If you absolutely can't live without your heat products (flat irons, curling irons, blow dryers, etc.) make sure to ALWAYS use heat protection before you use them. - While in the shower, don't use shampoo every day. Use it every other day to every 3 days. Use conditioner EVERYDAY or EVERY TIME you wash your hair. - Another shower trick! When you put conditioner in, squeeze out your hair first. Then rub it throughout your hair. This will make it easier for your hair to soak up the moisture and vitamins in the conditioner. - Another shower trick!!! Wash / condition your hair FIRST before you wash your body. Keep the conditioner in and clip it up for the rest of the time you are in the shower, and rinse when you are about to get out. - Wash / rinse your hair with COLD or cool water. Hot water (and just heat in general) is BAD for your hair. - Use products that will strengthen your hair or say something like "Moisturizing" on them. - Don't brush your hair when it's wet. This can break your hair. Use a wide toothed comb instead, and try using leave in conditioner before you comb it through. - Be careful and gentle when taking out knots/snarls. - Be careful when you brush your hair. - Use hot oil treatments when you have the chance. - Don't sleep with your hair up. This can cause breakage. - Use an old cotton T-shirt to dry your hair instead of a towel. - In the summer, be careful of the sun. It can dry out your hair and make it damaged and brittle. - Don't get in the habit of dying your hair. If you already do, make sure you don't bleach your hair.
Good luck growing out your hair! If you follow these tips you will have long beautiful hair in no time. :)
Use a good conditioner. "Moisturizing" shampoo doesn't really matter, whether it claims to be or not. Shampoo lathers, therefore each kind will strip your hair of its natural oils. But, conditioner always leaves a sort of "residue" in your hair, so it's better to have one that has good reviews and smells nice.
Hair does not grow faster. Highlighted strands break off quite often but you can control them with good conditioners and some hair spray. Have patience.
Nothing makes your hair grow faster. Don't listen to any products that claim to make your hair grow. Hair grows a half inch per month. Don't use heat on your hair, eat healthy, drink water, keep your hair moisturized.
Pills won't MAKE your hair grow. They will strengthen your hair so it can grow. So you could try that too
No hun, there's no product to get rid of split ends. There are tons to prevent them though! If you already have split ends, get a trim so you can get rid of them once and for all. To get your hair healthy and to not have any more split ends coming back look up the Pro Natural’s hair care line. It’s online and they have all kinds of products you can use so just choose one