When you find charcoal on your steak do you?

Question #1 - When you find charcoal on your steak do you
1) Spew judgmental statements at the cook for putting the steak on the frying pan that was too hot causing carbon residues that might be UN-healthy.
2) Call your local politician demanding the restaurant allow you the choice to have boiled stake?
3) Start a movement to just ban fried steak from all restaurants.
4) Just eat the steak you've been served and accept that tiny risks are just a part of life (and enjoyment of life) and part of being an adult is dealing with life's circumstances that might not always be what you find perfectly healthy?

Question #2 - When someone smokes in your vicinity do you
1) Spew judgmental statements at the smoker for putting secondhand smoke in the air.
2) Call your local politician demanding all restaurants have separated smoking / non-smoking areas.
3) Start a movement to just ban smokers from all public venues.
4) Just deal with it because accepting tiny inconveniences are just part of life and part of being an adult is dealing with life's circumstances and respecting others ability to do something you might believe is not find perfectly healthy?

Question #3 - If you could pick your neighbors would you pick
1) Neighbors who are compulsively judgmental
2) Neighbors who demand you reserve half of your driveway for them to park in
3) Neighbors who build a movement to dictate who your friends and visitors are by legal intervention.
4) Neighbors who accept that the world doesn't revolve around them and that part of being an adult is dealing with neighbors in a tolerant, friendly and accepting manner even though they might believe your cooking stinks?

Final Question - Out of 1,2,3,4 what kind of world do you want to encourage?


Question #1: Answer 1 - I'm paying for the steak, why should I be forced to eat something I don't like? Same goes for other food that I pay for and feel is not prepared correctly.

Question #2: Answer 4 - and by dealing with it unfortunately usually means relocating myself because the smoker is too inconsiderate to recognize the fact that others desire not to be exposed to the risks nor the stench of smoke. There are of course the occasional times when the smoker simply doesn't care and feels that it's there right to expose everyone else to the misery of cigarettes and then there are other times when the smoker is considerate and smokes far away from the entrances to buildings or otherwise tries to minimize public exposure.

Question #3: Answer 4 - but this really is a non issue for the cooking fumes since my neighbors house is located over 100 yards away from mine and closing the windows would solve any issues with fumes. Unfortunately everyone isn't fortunate enough to have the same circumstance.

Final Question - Very clearly it is based upon the circumstances involved in any particular situation, evident by my diverse responses. However in general, a world where we are tolerant and accepting of each others needs, and to a lesser extent desires, is ideal. For example some people need to breathe clean air because they may have a respiratory condition whereas a smoker desires to smoke because they are addicted to nicotine; health needs trump unhealthy desires.


Question #1 - 4, but this has never happened to me.

Question #2 - none of the options. If it's indoors or in a bus shelter, I usually ask for them to either step out or to put it out. If it's outdoors and it's not raining, I stand upwind of them.

Question #3 - 4

I don't want to encourage any of these, ecept maybe #3, 4. (I'm ALLERGIC to smoke, so it's not just a "tiny inconvenience" unless you consider a night of being congested a "tiny inconvenience".)