Days fans - Do you think the "Greetings" gentleman knows what happened with Nick?

Or is it all coincidence that it sounds that way? I find it interesting.


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I believe that he may know something or at least suspect something. He sounds a little bit like Sherlock Holmes! I would not be surprised if Stefano is behind this guy coming to Salem.


No, I just think he is very perceptive. He doesn't know squat about the murder as of right now. But when the body turns up (possibly because a problem in the flow of the river as mentioned the other day) I think he will make a fine witness as to who was there and when. Especially with Sami lying to him initially about why they were there...

They are not aware2014-01-03T17:23:31Z

I think it is coincidental and yes, interesting, adding a little comic relief to the crime. I can see him on the stand testifying to catching the 3 stooges following Kate's unfaithful lover.
Hubby thinks he's a spy like ISA, and was watching something else but saw the crime.


I think it just sounds that way IF he did know something I think he would have asked for some shut up money, maybe he still will ...... he might take watching Sami squirm pay off enough.


I think where they are keeping him around he may know something, or he may be a hired hand of EJ's in an effort to go ahead and force Sami to marry him while she is mad at him for the whole mess with Kristen.

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