Do you know your life's purpose?
How did you figure out your life's purpose?
How did you figure out your life's purpose?
Favorite Answer
To experience life.
How I figured that out?
I was Catholic for 18 years, discovered that religion and any other religion didn't have the answers to my purpose of life and other more important reasons such as not being able to back up massive claims. I then realised that there really isn't one set in stone meaning or purpose of life. I discovered that one has to decide what they want in life and make their goals their purpose. Experiencing life to the fullest is good enough for me.
My life's purpose is live and let live, help others when I can, stay healthy into old age, then turn into worm food, or maybe a cadaver...
I decided on my own that's what my purpose would be.
My life's purpose is to be the best person I can be, to continue improving my mind and continually bring positivism and compassion into others lives, and to help those who need my help (human or animal). My life is an example of positive living and the ability to bring positivism into your life and through it fulfilling your dreams.
Pray to God and ask. Sometimes He will come right out and tell us. Other times there are long waits.
Have you heard of the "Bible Code"? Only discovered two decades ago, it is that we are All coded in the Bible! Hard to find things until after they have happened, to know what to look for. But the computer program is even out. Why not watch or read about this?
There really isnt a known purpose