Have you avaioded becoming a slave?Or are you a slave? How can you tell if you are a slave?
If you discovered that you are a slave, what would you do to escape slavery?
If you discovered that you are a slave, what would you do to escape slavery?
Favorite Answer
Yes , I am a slave. Read the Secret of Mary by Saint louis De Montfort and be enslaved as well.
If I as I am now, discovered I was a 'slave' like some sort of truman show I wouldn't necessarily change a thing unless there was a clear increase in standards of living waiting for me on the other side.
Darling, when you are forced to pay fifty percent income tax per year, then you are a slave. Those are the facts. You don't have a choice in the matter. You either give the government half of your earnings or go to jail. Not only is it slavery but it sounds criminal.
We are all slaves of satan but most dont know it yet. You know you're a slave when you believe what famous people and tv are saying. To "escape slavery" I find the lord.
Escape from the Prison Planet