By virtue of whom or what, are all humans living on earth now divinely beloved sons or daughters of God ?

Please consider Jesus' words in John 12:32, his three powerful parables in Luke and his command to "Love your enemies." and the contemporary phrase: "God does not make junk."

This is, and will increasingly be, a major spiritual and Theological question that will be debated for many decades, unless a new Divine Visitation induces a faster resolution; that is always a possibility.

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Divine love, peace and continual progress in Spirit and in Father-Son Eternal Truth !


By virtue of the Word - the Pan-Universal Christ Logos Itself - that acknowledged the Divine Common Selfhood and declared:

"Ye are gods and children of the Most High" - Psalm 82:6 (and similarly John 10:36)

One should understand that by passing through the Archangelic Idea of Man via incarnation into the world of separation, Christ not only honored the human form, but the very idea of man(kind).


There is no issue, there is no theological question but it is very clear who is saved and who is lost. Saved meaning their sins have been paid for by Jesus and the individual accepted the gift of salvation which is Jesus. Lost are those whose sins have been paid for by Jesus but the individual has not accepted Jesus nor his gift of salvation. Jesus came to seek and save the lost---all have the opportunity but not all seek him. John 3:16 says that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whomsoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Pretty simple don't you think. Of the 7 billion living today on about 1 billion can claim to be saved from an eternity without God---the time is coming when no man will be left with a chance of salvation--the end of time will have come--its over--it is then too late. Life is like that--death ends the opportunity--justice will come and the person who rejected Jesus will be judged as unworthy--eternity without God.


You can only call yourself a son or daughter of God is you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. It is not about religion or signs and miracles it is about having a friendship with God through his only son. It IS about love.


Beloved or not, all the human population is an image or glory of God


By virtue of Jehovah God.

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