Gardeners - I have an idea, need opinions?

I'm thinking of building a hoop-style greenhouse and covering it with netting to keep birds, dogs, chickens out and planting directly into the ground. During colder months, covering with plastic right over the top of the netting. This would keep critters out, let sun in and I wouldn't need to build a fence around the garden area. What do you think?


I'm thinking about 12x32, 6 ft. tall. I didn't realize that's what commercial growers do. Always wondered what they do to keep critters out.


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I use 1/2 inch pvc, ten feet long, three foot interval. Drive stakes about eight feet apart to anchor the ends of the pvc (1/2 inch rods fit inside the pvc). Stretch 4 mil polyurethane, 12 ft wide, over the hoops, bury the edges to seal and stabilize in the wind. A wire or wire-tie around poly and hoop if a hoop needs more support to prevent it from falling over. Cut vents in ends and about ten-foot intervals to cool (it can get too hot on a sunny day inside a hoop tent).


challenging situation. look at yahoo. just that might help!


Sounds like the same thing commercial growers do.


Sounds like a home made poly tunnel.


That would be fine, but how large, and how high is your hoop-style going to be?

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