When and how did you realize that you are now a divinely beloved son of God and here serving in his Family?
The spiritual term "son of God" includes all men, women and children; and they are of primal Father-Son origin. Daughters of God are the many types of angels, super-angels, hosts and ministering spirits of primal Infinite Spirit origin. All are equally loved in the infinite-sized Family of God the Father-Infinite I AM; God is no respecter of persons --He/They have no favorites. "The infinite worth of each finite human person."
Thank you for all sincere answers !
Love, peace and progress in Spirit and in Father-Son Truth !
There are human sons of God, type female feminine and human sons of God, type masculine. All are equal in Spirit. Those characteristics persist even in Paradise-Eternity; and that is very good and useful.
female/feminine and male/masculine. Feminine and masculine spiritual characteristics persist; but not gross male or female bodies.
To Mackey: That is a very short list, there are thousands more. You left out four of Jesus' favorites: Abba, (Daddy) Elohim, (Trinity) Father, and I AM God has never been revealed by mere name; but by his perfect Deity Personality Nature in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
To Pastor Art: Yes, before Jesus Christ ascended back to God the Universal Father on Paradise and was elevated from Vicegerent (Deputy) Deity in Jesus' Created universe that we all live in, only a few humans were then actually sons of God. However, April 18, A.D. 30- on; Jesus Christ having God the Father fully within him, returned back here as fully all-powerful God-Man as He the Spirit of All Truth. This spiritual Presence gift makes all humans now actually sons of God in Jesus ! All humans also have a freewill to finally choose to become more Godlike or to be not.