Many Gods and one Humanity or One God and each human personality is an absolutely unique Individual ?

What are the social and spiritual ramifications of these different beliefs ? Please share some on this.

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Love, peace and progress in/from/as ------- ! (to keep my question neutral)


Favorite Answer

One God, with each person an individual, knit together by the hands of God and a special creation themselves.

B K2014-01-06T18:52:00Z

How about no gods

and just human beings that care about one another as fellow human beings

there will unfortunately be no love or peace or progress until that happens. The social ramifications of these beliefs you listed are apparent everywhere you look in the modern world, in countries where such beliefs hold sway. Don't you watch the news?

the Christian2014-01-07T04:09:15Z

1 personal God for all humanity.....