B & B- Are Bill & Katie divorced or not? Since they seemed to be finalizing the?

divorce months ago I don't remember any court hearings or decisions about it. The worse thing about this "divorce" is about custody of the baby being entirely in Katie's hands, Really? In almost every divorce nowadays custody is joint or at least with equal visitation. Their's is taking custody entirely away from Bill. She is working full time too which would mean he could be visiting Bill all that time. Bill has enough money to challenge the terms of that "divorce" & it is making him look like a fool not to fight for his son. Katie just acts like a vengeful spirit, not even thinking of her son's needs.Katie's behavior is not making her into a sympathetic character at all. I'd like to see everything reversed (Bill back in control which could happen if Katie lost too much money & clients for the Board to support her anymore) . Then with a new Judge, a change in custody for the baby in Bill's hands for a change, at least long enough to teach Katie to be fair to Bill. A child needs 2 parents working together not with so much hatred that it harms an innocent baby. Have these issues been shown on camera & I missed it? Does anyone else think these changes would be fair?


Favorite Answer

Yes they are divorce and Katie has full custody.. Of course Bill can fight it, but he's too busy with Brooke to even care right now.
But as for a babysitter the mothers can take the baby to work with them, to a certain age tho. And she does have a nanny for him.
I'm with Katie on this one!

lorie v2014-01-08T10:43:42Z

On today's show they just said that the divorce had not gone through yet January 8th 2014 Donna mentions it to Katie that she still has time to stop things if she wanted to


I thought they were, but guess not..
I don't know why they don't have at least shared custody of Will. Katie shouldn't keep him from bill..


According to Soap Central

Katie/William "Bill" Spencer, Jr. [Married: 2009; divorced: 2013]



betty m2014-01-09T17:12:46Z

they are divorce and Katie has custody of there son.