Why does he always stare at me?

So I don't have any classes with this guy and he's a junior and I'm a freshman but he seems really outgoing and apparently he has a big ego. He is good friends with one of my friends too. But he just kind of glares at me in the hallway. I never really said or did anything to him so I don't know what his problem is with me. He doesn't break eye contact or smile so I usually get weirded out and look away. One time he was walking in front of me and he just turned around made eye contact and then just kept walking again. Seriously though what is with this guy? And since he's into acting and stuff you'd think he would at least be able to approach me if he had a problem... right?


Favorite Answer

Hmm, either he's a creep and is just trying to mess with you. There's a few weird guys in my school that do that too, lol. Or, perhaps there's the chance that he might be intrigued by you, now that doesn't necessarily mean he has a crush on you, but he finds you interesting. I think maybe you should go up to him and start a conversation ( if you're interested, of course) or just make a hideous face and then he'll leave you alone forever. You could also ask your friends what's up with him!

Good luck, be safe!


get a mutual friend to ask?.. coz it could be that he really likes you, or can't stand you and wants to creep you out!... get a friend to say something like "oh, i noticed that you look at kate in such an odd way, what's that about?"...based on this, you can probably figure out what the hell is going on with that immature dude!


He may like or think you're cute. Be careful when dating older people he may use you.