how do i keep from getting a std if the one i am dateing has it.?

how do I keep from getting a std if my boyfriend has it and he got it from his ex wife but just now showing up. don't want to brake up but don't want a std. how can I be safe and careful not to get it if I stay with him. they say it is not bad but he have it the rest of his life. he has warts on him. 10 points for best answer. just need to know how to be safe and what ways I can get it if not careful I know no sex of any kind and the bathroom and no fingering or analyses or orlesex what are the risk if any others. sorry if I missed spelled in a hurry. thanks for info and help.


he is in his 30"s so am i.


we have done some stuff but not all the way. I am still the v word.


Favorite Answer

As long as you don't have multiple partners and you use a condom everytime you have sex that won't be enough sorry. If its herpes then as soon as his ball sack*what I call it*touches your vagina then you get if he has herpes then find a way to stop his balls from touching your friend down there(don't forget to go for check ups often)






I believe I got warts from a one night stand I had before meeting my bf of three years now. And possibly I could have gotten them from him. I had an outbreak all over my vagina. I removed them myself with apple cider vinegar. I get maybe one cluster of them every 7 months or so. I do my treatment then add Vaseline to soothe the skin. It turns black with in 24 hours then usually wipes right off to fresh pink skin. Anyways my bf has never ever had a wart pop up one time. And we have sex without condoms. He even performs oral on me. The warts are located on the thin piece of skin connected to my booty. So his tongue doesn't go near them. It makes me uncomfortable at times. I hope the treatment helps. It will work. Just google apple cider vinegar genial wart remover. It's 2 bucks at the grocery store. Keep a cotton ball soaked with it on the area for about 20 mins. Next night 30 mins. Then 15. The warts will turn white and it will look like a lot but don't freak that's a good thing.



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