Fish suddenly dying, fins ripped up? PLEASE HELP?
(Before you judge me on my fish combination, just know ive had these fish like they are for almost a year now) In my tank I have now 1 platy, 2 giant danios, 1 blue gourami, 2 clouds, 2 lamp eye tetras, and 4 neon tetras. I had 2 platys, 3 giant danios, 6 clouds, 4 lamp eye tetras, and 8 neons. Yestersay, all my fish were fine and this morning I woke up and about 5 or 6 fish dead, and the rest are now still hiding and they all have ripped up fins and red irritated spots on them. These fish all have had good temper for eachother. AND before you say it was the gourami, im sure its not, because his fins are ripped up too, pretty bad. My guess is that maybe its some type of parasite? Im not really sure.