Fish suddenly dying, fins ripped up? PLEASE HELP?

(Before you judge me on my fish combination, just know ive had these fish like they are for almost a year now) In my tank I have now 1 platy, 2 giant danios, 1 blue gourami, 2 clouds, 2 lamp eye tetras, and 4 neon tetras. I had 2 platys, 3 giant danios, 6 clouds, 4 lamp eye tetras, and 8 neons. Yestersay, all my fish were fine and this morning I woke up and about 5 or 6 fish dead, and the rest are now still hiding and they all have ripped up fins and red irritated spots on them. These fish all have had good temper for eachother. AND before you say it was the gourami, im sure its not, because his fins are ripped up too, pretty bad. My guess is that maybe its some type of parasite? Im not really sure.

golden lyretail2014-01-11T14:24:59Z

Favorite Answer

You are right, it probably isn't miss-matched fish. It also may not be a disease as such.

However a lot of us (me too) get a little relaxed doing partial water change, especially during the holidays. There are just too many other priorities.

If you really want to know, after your first partial water change with treated water of the same temperature, after gravel vacuuming a lot of fecal material & water out, get your water tested. Few of us have a 3 in 1 test kit. If you don't have one, take a water sample to a pet shop that that does water tests for a nominal fee. Chances are that there is too high a level of ammonia, nitrites or more likely nitrates.

The ratty fins could be ammonia burns,

Bonus points: change the activated carbon out of the filter. It seldom is still useful after a week anyway. Or buy a more expensive ammonia absorbent such as Polyfilter or one of the many other products designed to do the same.

All of those waste materials in over abundance can inhibit our fish's ability to take oxygen from the water & deliver it as effectively as possible to their cells. Among other things, that can inhibit their immune systems. If your fish are swimming near the surface, the oxygen is critically in short supply.

I've been your shoes after being away at a family funeral. First day was able to do a 40% partial change in a 20-gallon. Still lost a fish. Did 50% the second day & the fish were still in real trouble. Did 50% the 3rd day, the fish looked better & casualties stopped. Managed to get 50% in 3 of the next 4 days & there were good eggs in the rainbowfish's spawning mop. Spawning egglayers are happy egglayers & I knew we were almost out of the woods.

You probably know most of all this. so I'll shut up & not waste your time. Go do a partial water change and all the best of luck (which you will be making). :)


Sounds like bad water quality


Water quality and incompatible Tank mates is the cause .Its as simple as that .


Well which one isn't ripped up????