If Jesus Christ returns in your lifetime on earth, how will you personally know that this is really Him?

Please reflect carefully on this question before answering.

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Love, peace and progress in Spirit and in Father-Son Eternal Truth !


17 answers so far ... Some are partly good; however, it seems that too many rely on Bible verses from Paul or others, but not much from Jesus' words Himself. A related question on this: How do you, or will you, recognize an omnipresent Spirit Person? Maybe something in John chapters 16 and 17 will be of help. If you should see a man with ugly nail hole wounds or scars on his hands and feet, that is certainly an impostor human pretending to be Jesus.


Favorite Answer

I will know, Because He lives within my heart

JORGE N2014-01-14T14:56:49Z

He did come back in my lifetime. And glad I was that He did. Within me He rose to stand upon the One and only Pedestal I look up to when it comes to that kind of thing. In the end I do not understand the hard hardheartedness of others who are not able to see that He has come within each and every one of our lives. Well, maybe He has come but for some reason has not back to life as one would expect. Oh well. I guess it is because they had been expecting it to be some other way. This way was clearly good enough for me to drop everything and follow it. And following its constructs as instructed, loosening up the old heart a bit and letting go of the soul a little anyone can see it that way. In my world the imagination rules reality and that is how I imagine reality to be. But, if we want to stiffen the imagination just a little, harden the heart and squelch this thing called a "soul" just a bit, any of us can lose contact with the spiritual side, becoming more materialistic minded about it and then can wait forever for Him if they want to. But since I don't have forever type of material to wait around, I just go ahead and take that leap of faith and go on into the spiritual side of my imagination where in the end I seem better off anyways. Oh well, in simpler words, a real honest to God lost cause capable of doing nothing but complicating things even more than they were.


The second coming is the rebirth of the Christ Consciousness on earth. Many people get confused and think it has to do with the person of Jesus. It is not so. He was one of many who have remembered their divinity and are therefore called Christed. It is actually happening now. Problem is that because of the great turmoil on earth at this time, few can understand this truth. Nevertheless ,it is happening.


He isn't going to return as a human being again anyone who claims to be him is a false prophet.

Christ is going to return exactly like the book of revelation says he will with all the angels and armies of heaven behind him.

Just Be2014-01-15T16:12:38Z

The second coming of Christ is an inside job.
It happens when the individual achieves the Christ Mind.
You will know it is approaching when the lines of separation begin to blur, when all is recognized as working toward 'our good', when you no longer see others as strangers but recognize your Self & Christ in all, and when you remember that you are Love.
Many Blessings!

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