What is it with paranoid atheists?

There are so many statements that people of faith hate atheists.
I don't see ongoing questions attacking atheism.

Specifically, who attacks you and where?

John D2014-01-19T03:41:55Z

Favorite Answer

Polls show atheists to be the most hated group in America. If you don't see attacks on atheism here, you're not looking very hard.


FIREBALL on here, personally bothered to email me, to tell me I am going to Hell. If THAT isn't a personal-attack, what is? And she's done it to many others too. If you don't see questions attacking Atheism, you haven't been paying attention.

James K2014-01-19T11:45:58Z

Specifically, you ask? Here is my saved answer #2 from my desktop.

R&S is not a private club. It is the place Yahoo has set aside to discuss religion.

Religion in the USA matters. It claims we cannot be patriotic or be good citizens (though I am a disabled veteran). It claims we should "get out" of our own country.

It pervades our lives, inserts itself into a patriotic pledge I had to relearn (and that pledge was written by a Baptist minister without the exclusionary phrasing). It prevents us from holding office and serving on juries in many states (including mine, which backed down when I was elected to my city council). It extracts a declaration of faith on our money in an anti-communism stunt (and I carry around a 1950 $10 bill to show that phrase is not traditional).

It causes good people to do and say and write bad things, such as:
"Atheists make me laugh.
Every single one of them are going to Hell."
(from an answer previously posted on December 30, 2013)

It threatens. It causes people to be fired from jobs (such as me) for not believing as they. Religion causes people to convey threats (death threats against my wife and baby son, which is why I moved). It divides, it does not make us "from many, one" as our old national motto read.

My first wife divorced me after she "got religion." In her view my epilepsy was caused by demons. I was left a homeless disabled veteran for eleven years because a Christian judge agreed with her religious view and assigned her all but $20 of my disability compensation as alimony in a state that does not have it.

It matters, and that is why I am here.


Christians hate everyone. Yes there are bad things in all religions and it is good to condemn them all with the intention of improving them but Christianity is mostly horrible but they try to paint it as most pious and good religion.


I don't feel hated by anyone intelligent and I don't care what everybody else thinks.

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