Do you think Patches brought me to see him?

I had a funeral yesterday for my dog Patches. After that, I waited to receive her remains in an urn. So I decided to walk around the pet cemetery to see how people memorialized their beloved pets. I came across a head marker saying 'Diesel', a dog I used to know back in the 1990's. I was roommates with him and his owner, Wendy. So, my question is, has Patches already made a friend in "Rainbow Bridge" and did she bring me see and to pay my respects to Diesel?

Country GIRL2014-01-19T11:23:13Z

Favorite Answer

Thats possible dear and Iam sorry for your loss.

I gave you all my heart,The time has come we must part.
But in your heart I will remain,
And I shall know although your gone.
The Love I gave you lingers on.(unknowen)

Pets are like angles they lighten up our lives with love and affection and then leave there paw prints upon our hearts forever
Memories keep them alive ......


Of course. :) Patches wants you to know that she is not alone and that to make sure to check out her new honey bun. She's happy. Be happy too she's in a better place with company that knows her language.