Days fans - Something is going to happen between Brady and Theresa.?

Any ideas on what it could be? I'm thinking that the writers might be getting ready to get the two of them romantically involved at some point, which couldn't possibly be a smooth ride.


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I know those two together (ugh), I can see where this is going ... OMG they both should be slapped .... what the he// is wrong with Brady, he picks up one loser after the other ..... I am getting mighty sick of his character.

After these two get slapped EJ and Abigail should be next,


I could see a torrid romance a brewin'. Wouldn't that be great? They help eachother get clean, fall madly in love. Theresa turns over a new leaf and becomes entirely devoted to being a good person. Maybe even helps to bring Anne down and Daniel and Jenny back together. Then Theresa slips back in to her addiction and ends up od'ing and dying leaving Brady shattered and alone AGAIN, but vowing to NEVER touch drugs (and in turn, make us viewers suffer through yet another Brady the druggie storyline) ever again!

Kitty 22014-01-24T10:03:07Z

It might be a bad idea but I can see those two getting chummy. I bet the writers have those two in a romance soon.


NO. Bad idea. Two addicts don't mix and Brady deserves better once he cleans up his act. I want JOHN back lol.

They are not aware2014-01-24T00:29:25Z

I don't see it going that way. I just think she is trying to use him and/or get him into trouble. She is not really Brady's type either.